
संस्‍कृत हिन्‍दी आंग्‍ल शब्‍दकोशः

शब्‍दकोशः / संस्‍कृतहिन्‍दीआंग्‍लकोशः / अज



{ajá} m. a drove, troop (of Maruts) AV##a driver, mover, instigator, leader##N. of Indra, of Rudra, of one of the Maruts [{ajá éka-pā} RV., and {ajá éka-pāda} AV.], of Agni, of the sun, of Brahmā, of Vishṇu, of Śiva, of Kāma (cf. 2. {a-ja})##the leader of a flock##a he-goat, ram [ [9, 2] ?,?##Lith. ?]##the sign Aries##the vehicle of Agni##beam of the sun (Pūshan)##N. of a descendant of Visvāmitra, and of Daśaratha's or Dīrghabāhu's father##N. of a mineral substance##of a kind of rice##of the moon##({ās}), m. pl., N. of a people RV. vii, 18, 19##of a class of Ṛishis MBh##({ā}), f. N. of Prakṛiti, of Māyā or Illusion, {a-jā} (s.v. 2. {a-jā})##a she-goat##N. of a plant whose bulbs resemble the udder of a goat Suśr



{a-já} mfn. not born, existing from all eternity##({ás}), m. N. of the, first uncreated being RV. AV##Brahmā, Vishṇu, Śiva, Kāma##({ā}), f. N. of Prakṛiti, Māyā or Illusion ( also 1. {ajá} and 1. {ajana})

शब्‍दकोश : मोनियर विलियम्‍स शब्‍दकोश

इन्‍हें भी देखें : अजा; अज:; अजन्त; अज्; विश्वासमतम्; उरणः, अजापुत्रः;

These Also : expression; unknown; abiogenesis; abiogenesis;

पूर्वप्रकाशिताः ५ अद्यतनीयशब्‍दाः

प्रलय संहार‚ विनाश‚ मरण... dissolution, dest...
प्ररोचना स्तुति‚ प्रशंसा क... laudation, descri...
प्रयोग उपयोग‚ चलाना (अस्... use, application,...
प्रमाथ प्रमथन‚ यातना‚ दा... thrashing, excess...
प्रमाण माप (लंबाई का)‚ ड... measure of length...


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